Let the Christmas Tree Speak (when the mood might be bleak)

Not in the mood for the Christmas cheer? Think on Jesus. He’s the reason we bring in the tree each year.

Some might not know it, some might not care, but the Christmas Tree has a speech from it’s core to share.

Imagine with me and listen down deep. Let God show you His gift. He changes things . . . supernaturally.

Open the door and bring it on in. Don’t be boggled down with origin.

Simply bring in the tree and get it right, in quiet or noise, and wrap around the light.

Place an ornament or two, three, or more, and bring back old memories from Christmases before.

Have a seat. Rest, and listen after the task,

“Listen?” With my ears, you might ask.

“Yes, but with your soul and heart,” I pray. “The annual Christmas Tree has so much to say.”

Untangle your thoughts.  Unweave your mind. Withdraw from all schedule for a moment of time.

The Christmas Tree lights reflect off colored spheres, much like the moon, that draws our gaze near.

“Remember Me,” says a still quiet voice.

Let Me in, I bring calm and peace in the day’s noise.

The Tree is a symbol of what was, what is, what is to come. I represent God, His nature, His glorious Kingdom.

I AM the Vine, I Am Light. I AM beauty. I AM the Bright and morning Star. I AM the Beginning of Christmas, the angels proclaimed from afar,

“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill to all men.”

God’s will is that I come,

to be a sacrifice for all isn.

The tree points up, to heaven above, yet it sits on the ground to remind you,

I have come down,

to be cut off,

to be thirsty,

to bleed on the cross.

To rise again in glory.

I understand all things.

I came for you, to provide salvation. Let this Evergreen Tree speak revelation.

I came that I might die on a tree. That you might believe, and rise as Me.

Talk to the children about My everlasting beauty. Look at the Tree. It’s a symbol of Me.

Tell them I give. I gave. I Am all this world needs.

I wait for that day, when My gift,

is whole-heartedly received.

Forgiveness and grace, and promise to someday see Me,

face to face.

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
How richly God has decked thee!
Thou bidst us true and faithful be,
And trust in God unchangingly.
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!

I hear Your love. “Yes, I receive.”

O God, You have come down to set us free!

O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.”

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