Beautiful Messes bring Gracious Messages

God is good. All the time.

It’s not easy to get all the Ryps together these days, but we were all together in 2018. We’ve grown, changed, experienced great challenges in each of our lives, (as has everyone in the entire world).

We’ve added two amazing grandchildren to our number to bring unimaginable joy to all of us.

We are family.

The Ryps. Nick & Mandy. Carolyn & Patrick. Anneliese, Emily, Jared & Anastasia, Dave, Toni & Mike, Liz, Grace, Chris, Matthew, and Jonathan, (bottom).

And Christmas 2019:

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Picture from Christmas 2019. Toni, Mike, Chris, Anneliese, Carolyn & Patrick, Liz, Matthew, Jonathan, Emily, baby Reese, Sarah, Dave, Grace, Anastasia & Jared, baby Emeril, minus Nick and Mandy.

This mom and dad are little in this world. But, we trusted God in the beginning, 35 years ago and continue to trust Him now.

Our testimony has moments of faltered faith through many battles, but God in His grace and compassion always remained and remains faithful. We believe God’s Word:

Listen, all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: thus says the Lord to you, “Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s.” 2 Chronicles 20:15.

We love family pictures because they proclaim the victory and goodness of God: Yahweh! The LORD! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness Exodus 34: 6.

Trusting the Lord with our family was an unpopular thought, even back in the day, when our marriage began in 1986. To many it speaks of irresponsible behavior. “Get Mike a TV!” We would often hear as a joke, even amongst believers.

Each child was the Lord’s precious plan. God knew that Mike and I weren’t able, but “in Him,” all things are possible. Mike and I covenanted in marriage and in heart to the Lord. We were to trust Him, no matter what.

We didn’t want to be everything to our children, we wanted them to know Jesus, He is everything! We taught them in God’s Word and His way, and do our best to live as witnesses to His faithfulness each day:

Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.  Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” Joshua 1:7-9.

Don’t we remind ourselves and live this as a testimony to our families?

Mike and I failed often, but God never did.

We were weak, but He had a hold of us: for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’Acts 17:8.

We’ve been through “better and worse, richer and poorer, sickness and health,” and we will see our marriage “’till death do us part.”

Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians 15:57.

We will sing today as in the beginning, “In our lives Lord, be glorified, be glorified, today.”

Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others   . . . If we are “out of our mind,” as some say, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you.  

For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.  And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 2 Corinthians 5: 11, 13, 14, 15.

Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
Just to know, “Thus saith the Lord!

“Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!


Beautiful messes.

Each brings witness to God’s gracious message, “I loved you first,” love Jesus.

Give us all a genuine encounter with You, dear Lord. That we might view our world through Your eyes. Help us not miss the glorious and precious. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

From Despair to Praises to God!

Every rose bush has it’s thorns but we celebrate the beauty of the flower.

Focus is the key.

In our broken world, I have choice. You have choice. We all have choice to focus on the thorns or the rose.

I might start my morning strong in believing my Lord, but often, dark clouds of trial and hurt, pain and sorrow come quickly to cover the Son’s warmth and love by noonday.

The praise to God in my heart flies away leaving me flat and despairing.

I become cut up by the thorns of life and forget to be careful in my thoughts. I forget to enjoy the rose.

As a believer in Christ, I’m tested. We’re tested. We pray for this when we ask of God to:

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:

And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” Psalm 119: 23,24.

The Lord is faithful to answer my request. He shows me . . . Impatience. Inner destructive dialogue of myself and others. Stubbornness. Unbelief. Hatred.

The beauty of the Lord is: “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself” 2 Timothy 2:13.

Let’s choose to change our mind when we’re flooded with troubles and tempted with thoughts that destroy, and instead choose to grow in the grace of our Lord and in knowledge of Him.

How? We’ll proclaim aloud His glory from His Word and grow in believing:

Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes,
    he comes to judge the earth.
He will judge the world in righteousness
    and the peoples in his faithfulness
Psalm 96: 13.

Do I believe He will? Do we believe God?

For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
    he is to be feared above all gods.
 For all the gods of the nations are idols,
    but the Lord made the heavens.
Splendor and majesty are before him;
    strength and glory are in his sanctuary
Psalm 96: 4,5,6.

Do I believe He is? Do we believe?

For the Lord is the great God,
    the great King above all gods.
 In his hand are the depths of the earth,
    and the mountain peaks belong to him.
 The sea is his, for he made it,
    and his hands formed the dry land
Psalm 95:3.

He is the great King above all gods.

How can we despair in the midst of praise?

Ascribe to the Lord, all you families of nations,
    ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.

 Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name;
    bring an offering and come into his courts.
Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness;
    tremble before him, all the earth.

Can we say together? Has our faith increased? Yes, we will:

Say among the nations, “The Lord reigns.”
    The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved;
    he will judge the peoples with equity
Psalm 96: 7-10.

I will focus in the morning. I will re-focus at noon. Join me in desiring to have a song the whole day through:

Sing to the Lord a new song;
    sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing to the Lord, praise his name;
    proclaim his salvation day after day.
Declare his glory among the nations,
    his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Psalm 96:1-3.

Jesus is the rose:

“I am the rose of Sharon,
The lily of the valleys” Song of Songs 2:1.

Can we help each other keep our eyes on the Rose? Together, we win.

Come, let us bow down in worship,
    let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;
for he is our God
    and we are the people of his pasture,
    the flock under his care
Psalm 95: 6.

Amen. Amen.

Let me know if you joined me in proclaiming, “In Jesus name, Amen.”

Faith-less? or Faith-full? Look up. Listen up!

We must remind each other, God is good, even though things don’t seem as they should.

“This is impossible,” we say in our hearts, or perhaps out-loud.

The Bible reminds us, God is able to make a way, . . . through the wilderness:

This is what the Lord says—
    he who made a way through the sea,
    a path through the mighty waters, . . .
 “Forget the former things;
    do not dwell on the past.
 See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland
. . . ” Isaiah 43:16-19.

We, who believe in God through His Son, (His great and perfect provision for us, Jesus), must not let our thoughts paralyze us. What are the promises? We must fight to think on these things and pray for increased faith.

“Eyes up, ears open. God speaks: “

“You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord,
    “and my servant whom I have chosen,
so that you may know and believe me
    and understand that I am he.
Before me no god was formed,
    nor will there be one after me.
 I, even I, am the Lord,
    and apart from me there is no savior.
 I have revealed and saved and proclaimed—
    I, and not some foreign god among you.
You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “that I am God.
     Yes, and from ancient days I am he.
No one can deliver out of my hand.
    When I act, who can reverse it?”
Isaiah 43:10-13.

Am I a child of God? Perhaps that’s the first question.

God is good, the Bible tells us. The world is broken, dark, chaotic because of the fall. But God said, “Let there be light, and there was light.” Gen. 1.

The account is written. Wise is the man who checks out the light of His Word daily.

God’s faithful love is dependent on nothing.

Love is who He is, . . .

the LORD:

For I am the Lord your God,
    the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
Isaiah 43:3.

Is He my Savior? Am I a child of God trusting and relying on Him to save me for salvation, and give guidance and help for each day’s trials?

How can I trust Him greater? Am I relying on my intellect, my bank account, my careful plans to save me from my hour of peril or trial?

“Yes, that’s sensible. That’s logical.”

Even more than people to come and discourage our trust in a (so called) invisible God, our own hearts discourage us in our weakness.

This is the fight. This is the battle. We must as soldiers have a plain command: “Look up. Listen up.”

As soldiers in the lord’s army, are our eyes up? Hear God speak:

But now, this is what the Lord says—
    he who created you, Jacob,
    he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
    I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
 When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze
Isaiah 43:1-2.

Or are we faith-less this day:

Yet you have not called on me, Jacob,
    you have not wearied yourselves for me, Israel
. . . But you have burdened me with your sins
    and wearied me with your offenses
” Isaiah 43:22, 24.

Today, one heart at a time, beginning with mine, I feel the need to repent. I need to believe God and pray. “Forgive me for my unbelief Lord, increase my faith, in Jesus Name, Amen.”

“I, even I, am he who blots out
    your transgressions, for my own sake,
    and remembers your sins no more.
 Review the past for me,
    let us argue the matter together;
    state the case for your innocence
” Isaiah 43: 25,26.

“Lord Jesus, the only innocence I have is the complete and sufficient washing of Your blood. ‘This is all my righteousness, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.’ And for that, I say, Thank You Lord.”

Jesus lifted my eyes and gave me ears to hear again. His amazing grace, how sweet the sound. He saves me from myself daily.

Are you a child of God? He is only a prayer away. Call on the name of the Son that God the Father has sent to pay each of our debt in full for our sin and shame. Yes, believe in Jesus, and ask Him to empty you of all the old, and fill you a new with the Holy Spirit.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him” John 3:16,17.

If you have prayed and asked Jesus to come into your life to cleanse and make you new, please tell a trusted friend that today is the day of salvation for you!

 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Amen! (Exclamation point, mine).

Who can enter His Kingdom?

Magic Kingdom can’t be entered without a ticket. The ticket will change in color and price daily, but everyone knows, you must acquire that day’s entrance pass, or you remain outside the gate.

The greatest and most magical kingdom of all is the heavenly kingdom of God. What’s the entrance pass to enter into our heavenly home?

How can we know? Does God leave us to figure it ourselves?

God makes it no mystery at all.

It’s not popular opinion.

It’s not intellectual discovery.

It can’t be acquired by earnings or points.

God’s ways are made plain. God’s plan unfolds. A look to the heavens brings awe and question, but is our faith complete through nature alone?

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ Romans 10:17.

The Bible proclaims that Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made John 1:3.
The heavens belong to Him. The seas of the earth are His possession. He is Almighty. We are awestruck with His creation.
But faith comes from hearing.
Not solely by the sounds of the morning birds or the fall of water. God speaks through the word about Christ.
In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind John 1:4.
Proclaimed by man are many roads to the Kingdom. But whose word can be trusted? How can we know.
What is truth? Can we know it?
Darkness is present. We feel it. We see it. Our lives are pained greatly by the evils in this world.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it John 1:5. 
Who will cry out for truth?
Who is crying for light?
When the Bible is opened, God’s Word speaks,

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him John 1:9,10.

He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him John 1:11.

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God John 1: 12, 13.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. What is truth? What is life? What way do we go?

 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth John 1: 14.

Where’s the light that reveals the solid rock path so we may cross the rough rivers of this life? Where’s the hope in this dark world?

He’s a Person. The Son who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Jesus is the ticket! Have we received Him? Do we believe in His name? He gives us right to become children of God.

Have you read His invitation?

“Come, all you who are thirsty,

    come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
    come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
    without money and without cost.
 Why spend money on what is not bread,
    and your labor on what does not satisfy?

Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
    and you will delight in the richest of fare.

 Give ear and come to me;
    listen, that you may live.
I will make an everlasting covenant with you,
my faithful love promised to David Isaiah 55: 1-3.

 Seek the Lord while he may be found;
    call on him while he is near.
 Let the wicked forsake their ways
    and the unrighteous their thoughts.
Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them,
    and to our God, for he will freely pardon Isaiah 55: 6,7.

Will we open the pages of God’s Book? Will we receive His word above man?

 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts Isaiah 55:8,9.

Who will hear? Who will believe God above man?

As the rain and the snow
    come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
    without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
    so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
    It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
    and achieve the purpose for which I sent it Isaiah 55: 10,11.

Oh how we need truth to set us free. We can have the ticket, even now:

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me John 14:6.

Today, today . . . who will believe?

Do we ask, “What’s in it for me?”

Jesus speaks,

You will go out in joy
    and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills
    will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
    will clap their hands.
 Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper,
    and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.
This will be for the Lord’s renown,
    for an everlasting sign,
    that will endure forever.” Isaiah 55:12, 13. 

“Come into my life Light and Truth. Come into my life and show me Your way. Come into my life, Lord Jesus.”

The gatekeeper says,

 Enter into His gates . . . (Psalm 100:4),

and we will,

with thanksgiving, . . .  into His courts with praise Psalm 100:4. 

Let the Christmas Tree Speak (when the mood might be bleak)

Not in the mood for the Christmas cheer? Think on Jesus. He’s the reason we bring in the tree each year.

Some might not know it, some might not care, but the Christmas Tree has a speech from it’s core to share.

Imagine with me and listen down deep. Let God show you His gift. He changes things . . . supernaturally.

Open the door and bring it on in. Don’t be boggled down with origin.

Simply bring in the tree and get it right, in quiet or noise, and wrap around the light.

Place an ornament or two, three, or more, and bring back old memories from Christmases before.

Have a seat. Rest, and listen after the task,

“Listen?” With my ears, you might ask.

“Yes, but with your soul and heart,” I pray. “The annual Christmas Tree has so much to say.”

Untangle your thoughts.  Unweave your mind. Withdraw from all schedule for a moment of time.

The Christmas Tree lights reflect off colored spheres, much like the moon, that draws our gaze near.

“Remember Me,” says a still quiet voice.

Let Me in, I bring calm and peace in the day’s noise.

The Tree is a symbol of what was, what is, what is to come. I represent God, His nature, His glorious Kingdom.

I AM the Vine, I Am Light. I AM beauty. I AM the Bright and morning Star. I AM the Beginning of Christmas, the angels proclaimed from afar,

“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill to all men.”

God’s will is that I come,

to be a sacrifice for all isn.

The tree points up, to heaven above, yet it sits on the ground to remind you,

I have come down,

to be cut off,

to be thirsty,

to bleed on the cross.

To rise again in glory.

I understand all things.

I came for you, to provide salvation. Let this Evergreen Tree speak revelation.

I came that I might die on a tree. That you might believe, and rise as Me.

Talk to the children about My everlasting beauty. Look at the Tree. It’s a symbol of Me.

Tell them I give. I gave. I Am all this world needs.

I wait for that day, when My gift,

is whole-heartedly received.

Forgiveness and grace, and promise to someday see Me,

face to face.

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
How richly God has decked thee!
Thou bidst us true and faithful be,
And trust in God unchangingly.
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!

I hear Your love. “Yes, I receive.”

O God, You have come down to set us free!

O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.”

I choose health over anxiety. Where's my hymnal?

Got health? Real wealth? Worthwhile things are worth the fight.
The struggle to balance. The work to think straight. The temptations surrounding. The need to put off, put away, to breathe, to wait.
I’ll let go of blame and fret. I’ll look up, not out. If it pleases God, that’s my final answer. His way, not mine, or the popular opinion of the time.
I choose to follow the direction that God leads. Even though He knows, I will fail Him over and over as He watches me.
So I take hold  of some old trust-worthy words, and recite them aloud like a song of a bird,
I will arise and go to Jesus
He will embrace me in His arms
In the arms of my dear Savior
Oh, there are ten thousand charms
Oh, there are ten thousand charms. Yes, riches, true riches are being near to God. Being full of peace and comfort, not fearing nor having alarm.
But alarm I have, and in fear I dive. But God is a help, and old hymns remind:

Come, ye thirsty, come and welcome
God’s free bounty glorify
True belief and true repentance
Every grace that brings you nigh
Come, ye weary, heavy-laden
Lost and ruined by the fall
If you tarry ’til you’re better
You will never come at all

God is love. We are not. He is gracious in His being. He is compassionate.  His heart is gentle and kind. He doesn’t parade Himself. He is truthful, all of the time.
He knows our thoughts.
He is able to make a hard heart soft. He is powerful and willing. So often, we are not.
Are we are tired of being sick? Are willing to change our direction.
God the Father through Jesus His Son, and the power of His Spirit can bring change to our whole story.
He can give us wealth of health with freedom and forgiveness.
And He gives us victory to bring a sacrifice of thanksgiving.
No longer dwelling on the failures of the past. No longer projecting of a future unknown. Living in the present on this earth making my house a dwelling place for the Lord.
I will arise and go to Jesus
He will embrace me in His arms
In the arms of my dear Savior
Oh, there are ten thousand charms.

Hymn by Joseph Hart:
Come, ye sinners, poor and needy
Weak and wounded, sick and sore
Jesus ready, stands to save you
Full of pity, love and power
I will arise and go to Jesus
He will embrace me in His arms
In the arms of my dear Savior
Oh, there are ten thousand charms
Come, ye thirsty, come and welcome
God’s free bounty glorify
True belief and true repentance
Every grace that brings you nigh
Come, ye weary, heavy-laden
Lost and ruined by the fall
If you tarry ’til you’re better
You will never come at all
I will arise and go to Jesus
He will embrace me in His arms
In the arms of my dear Savior
Oh, there are ten thousand charms
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