The win in a hymn, defeat to fear: Praise God Forever

“Tune up my heart strings, Lord.” She prays, as her heart beats in a flat, minor chord.
“All things are possible with You by my side,” she believes.

“Help my unbelief,” she asks ready to defeat the perfectionist, the giant enemy of thought.

“Change me. C-H-A-N-G-E me!” She pleads with the One who is able.

In stillness, a gentle voice reminds:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord you God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9.

Faith has new breath, and a word of direction: “Sing a new song. Praise God as the victory is won. Sing praise!”

A hymn comes to mind.
The hymn tunes the heart’s theme for hope.

With a prayer for mercy and power of God.

Read aloud. Yes, sing aloud:

Come thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing thy grace

Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise

Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above

I’ll praise the mount I’m fixed upon it
Mount of thy redeeming love”

Change happens in a moments time. God’s Word comes to mind:
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
 He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber;” Psalm 121,

Lifted. Transformed, through the speaking of a psalm.

What comes next? Her heart needs to know, she reads aloud:

 The Lord watches over you—

    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
 the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.

 The Lord will keep you from all harm—
    he will watch over your life;
 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.

This is how the hymn is sung. By the help of the Living Word giving persevering strength to the weary saint.

Here I raise my Ebenezer
Hither by thy help I come

And I hope by thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home

Jesus sought me when a stranger
Wondering from the fold of God

He, to rescue me from danger
Interposed His precious blood

She receives the Spirit’s Comfort and Hope and thankfulness pours forth:

O to grace how great a debtor daily I’m constrained to be!
Let thy goodness like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee

Prone to wander Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above.

Victory is won in her heart this moment. A new song is sung. Prayers have been answered and change for good themes continues on . . .

Will we choose to read aloud and sing? “Yes, because ‘new’ is a glorious thing.”

New heart strings, and ultimately, a new me.

Will you also agree?

Come Thou Fount, hymn by Robert Robinson

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