a child's question: "Are you rich?"

“Are you rich?” is the question brought to my attention. “Yes, I am rich with a full and  thankful heart!”
The child probably thinking of a nice house and vacations, yet the answer flowed quickly, “Yes! I am rich!” He turned with a start.
“Don’t you know that a thankful heart makes one rich through and through?” You become rich when you stop living for the future, and in your present moment, learn to say, “Thank you!”
“Remember today is a gift we’ve been given, and when choosing to be thankful, for every little thing, your ‘richness’ increases with each breath you take. The people around you, the flowers, the sounds – a heart full of thanks makes riches abound!”
“Don’t be deceived by the houses and cars and the outside appearance when in fact, the heart is starved! Riches are ours, today-right now, when we ‘give thanks’ for the breath we are breathing and the songs that we  hear and the taste of the fruits and the smiles that are near.”
Give it a try, just for today, why not! Think on what is good and give thanks and pray. Cast those heavy cares to Your Father above. Talk to Him often, without ceasing, that is. Draw ever near and He draws closer to you. In His presence is joy, the joy of the Lord. “Are you rich?” “Yes I am!” and you’ll discover it is true that a thankful heart is riches – for me and for you!”
“I am rich because the Lord loves me. I am rich because He washed my sins away. I am rich because He gave me breath. I am rich because He’s given me a song to sing. I am rich because He is mine and I am His. I am rich because I need not fear anything!
I am rich because the Lord is my Shepherd! I am rich because He loves his lambs. I am rich because no matter what happens…I am held with love and compassion, and gentleness and care in the Hands of the Almighty! Yes, I am, Yes, I am!”

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