No matter what, Jesus loves.

(When we sit to eat a meal, we hope to satisfy and fulfill. Today, many face great struggles and hard times. Perhaps we might read aloud to a child at our table, or, better yet, become that comforted child as we remember God through a weave of rhyme.

God News is needed to help enrich our day with food from His Word that is wholesome, sweet, trustworthy, and good.)


We can’t see God. We can’t hear His voice. But maybe we can, when we stop to be still and come away from the noise.

When times are filled with sunshine and laughter, it’s easy to praise God with joy inside.

But, when loss comes, or great sadness within, where can we go to start breathing again?

One vision will hold you and me at such times:

Imagine Jesus showing you His nail pierced hands. Yes, holding out His outreached arms, with marks from His scars. It’s so hard to understand.

Jesus has scars. He has suffered all we have, the same. And more.

He is able to know how you feel, He is Lord.

He was nailed to the cross, for you and for me. He was willing to suffer. And today, He says, “I love you. Do you believe?”

God speaks. Not audibly, of course, but He desires to comfort. He’s  near when we call.

God spoke out loud, one day of Jesus His Son. His voice came with sound, straight down from heaven:

You are my Son and I love you. I am very pleased with you.”  This is what the Bible tells us in Mark 1:11.

God spoke again, at another time from a cloud, “This is my Son, and I love him. Obey him!”

The Bible tells us this in Mark 9:7.

We can see that God loves his Son.

But God, the Creator, the One in control, even though we don’t understand all that’s happening, and our feelings are low,

God gave His only Son to pay for our sin. Those marks on His hands are proof we’re forgiven.

 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you . . .” Jesus tells us in John 15:9. These words should be repeated aloud at least three times.

“As the Father has loved me, so have I love you. God loved His Son so very much, but here He’s saying, with that same love, He loves us.

This is His remedy for sad times of loss.

No matter what, Jesus loves.

No matter what’s happened, He asks that we ” . . . remain in my love.”

“Now remain in my love,” This is Jesus giving us a job to do.

This is God’s remedy. This is how it’s done.

We remain close, giving God our pain and sorrows. And He comforts us. He carries us today.

And we can comfort someone else in their hard day, tomorrow.

He’s got a good plan for all who believe.

His scars healed. And  He will help ours heal also.

“Help us dear Jesus, always remember Your great love. Help us stay close and read Your word, so we can hear Your voice and grow.

In Jesus name,





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