Baby needs sleep? Chemo’s hit hard? Sleepless times? Music Therapy in Sleepy Hymns by me

Quite honestly, music is therapy, and sometimes, simple affords a loveliness that perfect and professional can’t find.

I have opportunity to encourage and teach children and adults to learn and play an instrument daily. There’s nothing like the challenge to make something beautiful that comes from our own hands and heart. The enemy to this challenge is perfectionism.

Perfectionism paralyzes. I love when children and adults play and sing with joy, accepting where they are at the moment.

I’m thankful I have the freedom to pick up an instrument and bring sound and vibration to my scattered mind.

At this moment, I share, and there will come one more professional and skilled, but today, for a weary soul, I pray this will bring a moment of peace, calm, and restful sleep. That is my prayer.

To God be the glory. He can make all things beautiful in His time,


More than Jesus Loves Me


“Jesus loves me this I know,” has more verses, did you know?

They’re worth learning and singing too.

The gospel is hidden in it’s words. It’s true.

“Yes, Jesus loves me.”

“Yes Jesus loves me.”

“Yes Jesus loves me . . .”

But does my heart believe?


“What’s the gospel?” You might ask.

It’s the message of God’s love for all of us.

But first, we must realize,

that, because we’ve all sinned,

Jesus died. But He rose again!


“Yes, Jesus loves me.”

“Yes, Jesus loves me.”

“Yes, Jesus loves me.”

The Bible tells me so.


Anna Warner wrote this poem,

in 1859, a long time ago.

to comfort a child, and comfort us too,

Because God’s love is unfailing and true:


Jesus loves me, He who died.

Heaven’s gate to open wide.

He will wash away my sin.

Let His little child come in.


No more rhyme. It’s time to stop. To think of all this and ask?

Do I have God? Do I let Him in? Or am I waiting . . .

waiting . . .

waiting . . .


Jesus died so I could live.

Today, tomorrow, and in heaven.

Do we hear with our ears, can our heart’s eyes see?

That Jesus rose to set us free.

Yes, Jesus loves me.

Yes, Jesus loves me,

Yes, Jesus loves me,

today, and for eternity.

“I love Jesus who died for me. His hands have “markers” I can see. He suffered on the cross to pay my debt. Help me Lord to never forget.

Thank You Lord Jesus,

Thank You Lord Jesus.

I – love – You. 

In prayer I say it’s true.”


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