" darkness…(but) And the Spirit of God moved…"

“…and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” (Gen. 1:2b). “And the earth was without form and void…” (Gen 1:2)
There is darkness! This earth is empty and void! This is the second verse in the whole of the Bible! We know this today, we can see it –  there is darkness – just listen to the news!
Yes, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This is the very first verse of the very first Book of the Bible.But then…”and there was darkness?” The mysteries, the questions! But God answers them all, if we only ask and seek and knock. God promises to open the mysteries of His word to us who ask! He does! We’ve got to keep asking, seeking and knocking.
You see, in my life, originally I had  an eating disorder – believe me, ‘darkness was upon the face of the deep’ because no one could see it. I had, (and still have, a compulsive, impulsive personality. But with God the tiger is tamed, (OK, my husband and kids can all say that the ‘tiger’ is let out on occasion!) But, for the most part, with God all things are possible, and my impulsive and compulsive and ‘self-destructive’ and ‘dark’ personality are ‘tamed!’
The war of good and evil has been going on a l-o-n-g t-i-m-e, even from between Gen. 1:1 and Gen. 1:2! (This mystery has always fascinated me, and God chose Isaiah  and Ezekiel to give us some light to this early war that has affected us greatly even today. Read Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28, it’s all there!) If there is an argument about exactly WHEN this occurred, does it really matter to argue, but we can all agree, the war took place! Hey, how did the serpent get there in that tree to meet Eve?! I think we can all agree, that serpent was out to get both Adam and Eve and you and me!
The earth was ‘without form and void’ and there was darkness. BUT... the word of God uses the word, ‘AND’…”And the Spirit of God moved…”(Gen. 1:2, (!) exclamation point, mine!)
Yes, there is darkness, (BUT) “And the Spirit of God moved…”
That is good news right from the beginning! You see, you and I and everyone that wakes up today faces a world that is ‘without form and void’ in some respects, and ‘darkness is upon the deep places’. We all feel it, we know it, we experience it everyday – But, “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Gen. 1:2.
I didn’t know ‘how to eat’, or ‘how to think’ and I was ‘caught up’ in what ‘everyone else’ wanted me to be – and I was a mess, BUT, “And the Spirit of God moved…” The Spirit of God moved…me.
But God moved in my life. “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” (Gen 1:2).
The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, much like an ocean wave, washing away with great power and strength all my sin and doubt and insecurity. The Spirit of God moved upon me like an ocean wave  with His word and set me free and gave me hope, and teaches me and reminds me and helps me because…
this world is empty and poor, without form and void.
Only when writing about God can you speak in the past and the present the same! He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. This earth is still filled with darkness, and without form and void – (BUT) “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters!” The Spirit of God moves upon HIS WORD. If you don’t believe me, just like showing off God’s amazing ocean in a beautiful picture, ‘suffer me’ (an old Bible term), allow me to show you…
“God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, Though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though its waters roar and be troubled, Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah
“There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, (the river is the ‘Spirit of God’ which’ moves like a river),the holy place of the tabernacle of the most High. God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn. The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah    (pause and think calmly on that!) (Psalm 46:1-7).
Yes, there is darkness. We all agree on that. However, God is in the midst, the Spirit of God is moving…OH, that  we all believe and agree on that!
So, compulsive obsessive? yes, still am…but my theme song now? “Give me one pure and holy passion. Give me one magnificent obsession. Give me one glorious ambition for my life, to know and follow hard after Thee! To know and follow hard after Thee. To grow as Your disciple in the Truth.
This world is empty, pale and poor, compared to knowing You, my LORD, lead me on and I will run after You…
lead me on, and I will run after You.” (Magnificent Obsession,song).
Darkness? yes, in the world. But, “Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You.”(Ps. 139:12). Oh, the mysteries, “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters!” Mysterious? Keep asking, seeking and knocking. God will unfold His truth in you.

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