Honoring Brenda

  Brenda Smith. Many of you didn’t know her. Some of you did.
Today, I write so you can meet “Meemaw.” We all need to be introduced to a powerhouse of faith in our lives.
Mind you, she did not have the appearance of a “power-house.” This thin, frail (looking) woman in her late 70’s would pull up to church in her mini van with 4 (or sometimes more) of her grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, always a step (or 20 feet) behind their toddling and youthful feet.
Meemaw brought the little ones to church. Not just once in awhile. Not just every Sunday, but most every Wednesday night too.
Don’t let her tiny size fool you, a mighty warrior (in the Lord’s army,) was Brenda. Meemaw had every excuse in the book not to come to church. But she came to church, and she didn’t come alone.
She brought the kids, but she invited the town and everyone she ran into.
Meemaw knew the importance of walking through the doors of God’s house.
She understood the power for the kids to hear songs about God and to sing to God.
To learn to say “Thank you God.”
To be taught to pray to God.
 The Lauren Daigle song, I will trust in You was a song her great-grands would sing to her and she would be filled with delight. I know, because she drove all the way to my house one Saturday so they could learn to sing it better and have some motions for it:
Mighty warrior, king of the fight
No matter what I face You’re by my side
When You don’t move the mountains
I’m needing You to move . . .
The grands, and great-grands probably belted out these words as they had time in their living room or made trips in the car,
I don’t really know. But Meemaw was touched by their songs, making mention of it to me over and again.
When You don’t give the answers
As I cry out to You
I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in You
And the whole reason these kids even knew a song like this or even had any idea about trusting God for the hard-stuff was . . .
because Meemaw taught them about God, she listened to Christian music, and Meemaw brought them to church.
Even after fracturing her hip and going through a surgery and physical therapy, Brenda, within a short time, . . .
walked through the doors of God’s House with the kids.
She was weak, but she was there. She loved the Lord and believed in worship and prayer. She came, and I believe her prayers are and will move mountains.
I was teaching the little 3 year old twins that morning, after her recovery.
What a privilege to be part of Children’s Ministry, to be there to share Bible lessons and silly, (yet, powerful) songs to the children. I watch faith  be born in the kids. What an honor to be part of the spiritual growth of  children.
I remember helping her to the van that Sunday.
That was the last time I saw Brenda. She had a stroke while driving during that week, and within a few days, she went home to be with her Jesus. But her memory remains in my heart.

Brenda wanted everyone to come to church to be encouraged in God, moved by His grace. She wanted hearts to be softened by His mercy and forgiveness. Brenda prayed for everybody, especially her family.
God is answering her prayers. The little ones, well, . . . I was able to be a part in teaching them about Jesus last Sunday. God is moving mountains, . . .
and now Brenda can see clearly.
“Dear Jesus, Thank you for giving me Brenda to teach me so many wonderful things. I treasure those moments that we bowed our heads together in prayer, casting a world of care to You. Thank you for moving  mountains. I can see! I can see. In Jesus name, Amen.”

(Lauren Daigle, I will trust in You).


Author: Toni Rypkema

I'm a believer in Jesus. Because of this, I am married to a wonderful husband and the mom of a large family. For those who have battled cancer, or any other tragedy or disease, you might understand, I had a choice to get better or bitter. I chose to give thanks to Jesus for my every breath. For that reason alone, wanting to proclaim His goodness, do I write - Toni

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