A Salvation Story. Do I come out of the rain?

God holds the Umbrella that I come out of the rain.
Why the struggle? Why the delay?
God holds the Umbrella. He cares about me.
Did I forget? Or did I simply leave?
Do I find contentment in lies that bring strife? Am I choosing to destroy my very own life?
Can I make the choice to step out of the comforts of despair?
Or do I keep my head down on the puddles, believing lies of being victim. Staying, pitifully there.
He bids me with thunder and lightning to fear and to look. In the Light, through the flash,
I see the hand of His Son.
It’s reached out towards me.
Then I see His face.
His eyes, . . .
are grace.
He calls my name. I hear the words,”Come.” 
Directly in my heart, I feel Him look.
Revelation comes, Truth is alive.
He waits.
Immediately, there’s strength that wasn’t there.  Hope to lay down the shame. To cast off the pain.
God is offering me to come out of the rain.
Again, He calls my name.
Do I receive Him and take hold of His hand?
Why is it so hard? Why would I choose to stay out in the cold? To reject the dance. To stay wet in distress?
In an instant I choose.
I lift my eyes to meet His.
In an instant my garments are made new. Gloriously cleansed. I take hold of His hands. With all of my being, I know at last, I have found Love. He loved me first.
He desires me.
The rain is still falling, but I don’t even care. Because Love has captured all of my being. Love has called me. He has lifted me up.
I turn to kiss His cheek. He smiles.
He is pleased.
Everything new, everything possible, we dance, and we dance under the grand Umbrella. The canopy of protection, with a symphony of grace.  As it rains,  Love and I look face to face.
With a long-lost song that returns in my heart, I will sing as I dance, and make day of the night.

Author: Toni Rypkema

I'm a believer in Jesus. Because of this, I am married to a wonderful husband and the mom of a large family. For those who have battled cancer, or any other tragedy or disease, you might understand, I had a choice to get better or bitter. I chose to give thanks to Jesus for my every breath. For that reason alone, wanting to proclaim His goodness, do I write - Toni

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