Drawing pictures as the Story is read …

The Story is told. But often lost and forgotten.  Let’s read the old words, and bring the pictures to our vision: “The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and Even and clothed them.” This is Genesis 3:21, the New International Version.
(Rough rhyme, I’m aware. But perhaps rhythm and flow and melodious sound will help the ears listen to the old Words that are found.)
Did they ask for the garments? Did they cry out to God? The first man and woman, now knew they were bare. The Story is told in Genesis chapter 3, how they took itchy leaves and sewed them right there.
The sound of the LORD God was heard in the garden, so they took off and hid, from the LORD out of fear. “Where are you?” asked God.
Do you think He knew – that Adam disobeyed and Eve was deceived? Did God know they ate from the one tree forbidden? It’s quite obvious, they knew that He knew, from the Story that is given.
Adam blamed the woman, and she blamed the snake. The Story in Genesis 3 is repeated time and time again- but what happened next? Man wasn’t asking, “Where are You, God?” They were warned of a death if they disobeyed – now they were hiding, and blaming, and afraid.
“The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife,” God saw, God knew, God loved and made provision: The LORD God made garments of skin, “… and clothed them.” 
Adam and Eve were going to suffer for this deed, for the rest of our lives. Yes, our lives indeed. But God made provision, the picture is clear, way back when, that we might understand, His hands covered them, with a sacrificial lamb.
“Who is the LORD God?” “What’s He about?” “Where is He now, in this world upside-down?” “What’s He doing about all that we see?”  Confused hearts cry out, or think in their own reason completely.
But the Ancient Book on the shelves of all ages, has a sacrificial lamb written of, all through the pages. “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John chapter 1 verse 29, brings more than a covering. This Lamb’s Divine.
The Lamb of God, provided by the Father, takes away all the mess, shame, guilt and lies, and clothes us anew. How can we refuse?
But, so often we do.
Perhaps the picture of God we have in our head, must be renewed and transformed, by finding out and searching for what He actually says.
“The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.”(1) This is the picture of God in His Book.
“The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and Even and clothed them.” Today, let us draw new pictures of God, and learn of Him. In His Word – let us daily take a look.
(1) Exodus 34:6,7.

Author: Toni Rypkema

I'm a believer in Jesus. Because of this, I am married to a wonderful husband and the mom of a large family. For those who have battled cancer, or any other tragedy or disease, you might understand, I had a choice to get better or bitter. I chose to give thanks to Jesus for my every breath. For that reason alone, wanting to proclaim His goodness, do I write - Toni

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