Faithful amid unfaithfulness..

A poem written long ago by J G Deck and published in 1846, would be an appropriate prayer for many us today.
“Faithful amid unfaithfulness, ‘Mid darkness only light,
Thou didst thy Father’s name confess, And in his will delight.
Unmoved by threats or flatt’ring wiles, Or suffering, shame, and loss;
Thy path uncheer’d by earthly smiles, Led only to the cross…”
The poem is about  the Man, sent from God.
Jesus, whose name most know and have heard.  Yet His name is often thrown around, and used as in a curse. Yes, the name of the Man often banned in public circles, is the very name that when called – brings death to a reverse.
“Faithful amid unfaithfulness, ‘Mid darkness only light,
He’s misunderstood completely- from Love to Judge, thought to have a pointing finger – these things ought naught be so.
If  only the children of the world could know: “Faithful amid unfaithfulness, ‘Mid darkness only light,
Thou didst thy Father’s name confess, And in his will delight.
Unmoved by threats or flatt’ring wiles, Or suffering, shame, and loss;
Thy path uncheer’d by earthly smiles, Led only to the cross…”
We, so easily are moved by the multitude. Wake up dear people,  any dead fish can float downstream.
Wake up, Wake up and decide to stand – for the Man who for your deepest and ugliest sin, laid down His life, in your place, And stretched out His hands.
Consider and think . . .
Make this a day of decision, to swim upstream against the flow. J G Deck’s poem has a prayer for us all, to seriously ponder, and in our hearts make a home:
“Give us thy meek and lowly mind; We would obedient be; 
And all our rest and pleasure find In learning, Lord, of thee.”
Meekness is power under control. Others minded is the “lowly mind” needed so.
Peace, peace glorious peace we need. Peace, peace. Is this not what mankind seeks?
“Dear Lord Jesus, help us to yearn for more of You. Help us hunger and thirst for Truth. “Thy Word is Truth,” the Bible declares. “I am the way, and the truth . . .,” Your mouth proclaimed. O that You would receive the glory due Your name. In these last days, may mankind find that it is You that they seek. Increase faith in the land. Take away the world’s unbelief.”
“Jesus, Your name is high above all others. Draw the children, the fathers and the mothers. Encourage the grans, draw nigh to the grants. Pour out Your Holy Spirit. Bring a “river of life” running through. Make the “lame to walk,” the “blind to see.”
“Give us thy meek and lowly mind; We would obedient be;  And all our rest and pleasure find In learning, Lord, of thee.”
And if there be any heart that has never received, let them open the door and let You in. “Jesus, my Savior, Almighty God. Forgive me. Wash me, Empower me with Your Spirit. Give me faith that I might believe, now and for all eternity.
In the name above all names. The King of Kings. I Am. In Jesus name, Amen.”

Author: Toni Rypkema

I'm a believer in Jesus. Because of this, I am married to a wonderful husband and the mom of a large family. For those who have battled cancer, or any other tragedy or disease, you might understand, I had a choice to get better or bitter. I chose to give thanks to Jesus for my every breath. For that reason alone, wanting to proclaim His goodness, do I write - Toni

One thought on “Faithful amid unfaithfulness..”

  1. Reblogged this on See God's Hand and commented:

    I have been graciously corrected. The credit due to this wonderful old poem does not go to Spurgeon, but to J G Deck who published “Faithful Amid Unfaithfulness,” in 1846, before Spurgeon was even converted.

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