What we believe, matters.

The call has come. There’s not much time.
We’ve all been taken captive, bound up by sin. Even though this word is not ‘politically correct’, we’re all bound; and deep down, we know it inside.
Just as the research for many, many years went out to discover that smoking ‘kills’. But the words that came to the public ears, written even on the boxes themselves: ‘smoking may be hazardous to your health.’
Did we not know – these words were just lies.
So, what if in fact, “truth is not what you make it?” But truth has been told -in the Book of old.
Does what we believe really matter at all? Does smoking actually, ‘kill’? Or simply give you a cough.
So much better than ‘good advice’ is the gospel message of Jesus Christ. You see, the chains will be broken.  Chains that have you stagnant and hurting.
There’s a wash inside-out, a free ticket home, and the power to breathe with God’s living hope.
Hey, The Book is the same from page one to the last. In the beginning God created. Many can’t get past that. You see, faith is required and what you believe really matters.
Believe in yourself, and see where you get. But keep your eyes on those who put their hope in the One, that each page of The Book was written about.
The whole Book, really, is about the Lamb. Remember Adam and Eve, making the choice for us all. (And don’t fret about it, if it were any of us,  we would’ve also made the fall).
We do, everyday. And in every way, we are like just them now:  “Do something! Let’s hide from God. Let’s cover ourselves in leaves that bring pain.
Now they knew they were naked. Just as we know we’ve messed up. They were anxious and afraid. The bottom line – they disobeyed their Love.
But what we believe matters. If we stop reading the story, we miss the full picture of the Hand of God reaching. A spotless lamb slain, that they might be covered at last, not by their own efforts and strain, but in softness and gentleness of wool of an innocent Lamb.
Yes, there was blood. Yes, there was death. But it didn’t come from them. It came in the Lamb that was sent. The only work for Adam and Eve to do that day in the garden, was to take off the old garments of prickly thorns they’d sewn on their own, and receive the covering that God offered them.
“No thank You God, we like the pain. You keep the Lambskin. I’m going my way.”
We all have a choice, to believe God, or not. To believe in His Son, to spend time in His word. To receive His great love, to walk in His Way, to accept new life and obey His truth.
God is in control. He created this world. But it’s broken and fallen. The Story is told. From beginning to end. Genesis to Revelation. The Lamb has come to ‘take away the sins of the world.’ In John 1 verse 29, it can be read in black and white,
but these words are living and even sharper than a sword. They cut to the heart, because you are loved by the Lord.
What we believe, matters. Everlasting life forever is offered to those, who take off the old and receive  – new life that’s given.
Lambs skin over thorny leaves … put on Christ, and see God’s Hand take the lead.
Please let someone know that you believe in the Son. But first, even right now, talk to God in your heart, or even better, out loud and make a new start. With God, nothing is impossible. He heals. He restores.
And He has a plan for you that is better than you can know. Keep your eyes up, and in His Love may we each day grow.

Author: Toni Rypkema

I'm a believer in Jesus. Because of this, I am married to a wonderful husband and the mom of a large family. For those who have battled cancer, or any other tragedy or disease, you might understand, I had a choice to get better or bitter. I chose to give thanks to Jesus for my every breath. For that reason alone, wanting to proclaim His goodness, do I write - Toni

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