"Like a River Glorious", or a Fruitful Bush I see

When we feel the need to get away, and hang a hammock on a tree . . .

Perhaps a hymn will be enough for me:
Like a River Glorious
Like a river glorious, Is God’s perfect peace, Over all victorious In it’s bright increase;
Perfect, yet it floweth Fuller every day, Perfect, yet it groweth Deeper all the way. Stayed upon Jehovah, Hearts are fully blest; Finding as He promised, Perfect peace and rest. 
“Like a river glorious, is God’s perfect peace!
Hidden in the hollow Of His blessed hand, Never foe can follow Never traitor stand; Not a surge of worry, Not a shade of care, Not a blast of hurry Touch the Spirit there.
Words like peace and rest, victorious, and bright increase, are like the abundance of flowers on a common rose bush.
A devotional all on its own, the hymnal takes me, wherever I am, perhaps by a flowing river, where I rest on a hammock hung on a tree.
Hanging up the hammock on page 335, a familiar hymn caught my eyes:  ” Rock of Ages, cleft for me let me hide myself in Thee,”  But who would have thought that ‘the water and the blood from thy wounded side which flowed, … would wash me and cleanse me and refresh me enough, to look across the page to “Like a River Glorious!”
These words are living! There is hope! There is revival! There is power in the Spirit to  strengthen me again: “Stayed on Jehovah, hearts fully blest! Finding, as He promised, Perfect peace and rest!”
Are you refreshed as much as I! Then let us keep these words near our heart, and find peace and rest, and almost perfectness…
oh my! where did I put my keys!!

Author: Toni Rypkema

I'm a believer in Jesus. Because of this, I am married to a wonderful husband and the mom of a large family. For those who have battled cancer, or any other tragedy or disease, you might understand, I had a choice to get better or bitter. I chose to give thanks to Jesus for my every breath. For that reason alone, wanting to proclaim His goodness, do I write - Toni

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